KINE 4715 3.0 Experiential Education in Chronic Disease Management

Pre/Co-requisites: HH/KINE 4010 and 4020

Format: Blended

Course Webpage:

Throughout the semester, I will be using eClass to provide you with course information, messages, discussion, etc.

Course Director:  Sherry L. Grace, PhD, FCCS, CRFC
Professor, School of Kinesiology and Health Science
Sr. Scientist, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network

Location: Consult schedule.

Course Costs: $100USD online course/ certification (paypal / credit card)
Note: Access to personal transportation to get to and from the site visits (see schedule) and pay for related costs such as parking is an asset.

Class Time: Generally 3 hours Thursdays. Some site visits deviate from regular class time (but not day)

Expanded Course Description:

This experiential education in chronic disease management programs is designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge, non-clinical skills and competencies required to positively influence the health of people with chronic conditions. It also aims to enhance understanding of inter-professional care environments. Students are encouraged to foster a reflective and questioning approach to the care of chronic disease patients to improve care delivery.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, students may be able to:

  1. Articulate critical appreciation of the interrelationships between healthcare professionals in chronic disease management delivery.
  2. Explain how to promote client self-management of health-promoting behaviours.
  3. Develop a greater awareness of equity in health, and how this can affect health outcomes.
  4. Demonstrate critical thinking to facilitate decision-making and evaluation of care.
  5. Summarize the role of a patient management system for report-generation and quality improvement.
  6. Consider exercise class procedures, including format and documentation.
  7. Recognize chronic disease risk factors and medications.
  8. Apply exercise prescription guidelines in case scenarios, including setting training heart rates and cut-offs, as well as progression.
  9. Complete exercise leadership including warm-up, resistance training, and cool-down.
  10. Demonstrate ability to educate patients regarding chronic disease self-management, based on behavior change principles, in a patient-centred manner.
  11. Classify models of care and external services available to chronic disease patients such as heart function clinics and psychiatric consults, and recognize when referrals may be appropriate.

Class Format & Associated Policies:

At the beginning of term, there will generally be an introductory formal lecture. The lectures will be interspersed with extensive student discussion of the readings and lecture material, and brief videos to exemplify key concepts. Powerpoint files of the lecture material can be found on eClass (topic 6).

Many classes will be held in the healthcare setting (in-person or virtual), to provide experiential perspectives on the course content.

Required Readings/Supportive Materials:

See article links in eClass (topic 5), which correspond to those listed in the weekly outline.


The final grade for the course will be based on the following items weighted as indicated:

% of Total Grade
Cardiac Rehabilitation Foundations Certification (CRFC) 15%
Class participation / site visit professionalism 10%
Reflections on readings and site visits 10% (5 x 2%)
Skill performance: patient education 15%
Skill performance: leading exercise 15%
Take-home final exam 35%

Students are asked to complete the International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation “Cardiac Rehab Foundations Certification”.  It is found online at:

This course is optimized by student participation. Some of the best learning in the course can come from engagement and reflection. Class participation / site visit professionalism grades will be based on engagement during site visits / experiential activities. This will include not only punctual attendance, but adherence to student code of conduct and professionalism during site visits, as well as to privacy / confidentiality considerations. Please see the list on eclass (topic 3).

You are also invited to share your critical reflections online (see eClass Topic 2 “reflecting on your learnings”; These should be posted by noon on Fridays). You can pick any 5 weeks to post; you can also elect to post more than 5 weeks and your 5 top marks will be applied. Each week, based on the assigned readings and experiential activities from the week (e.g., site visits, guest lectures), you can contribute to the course by answering each of the following questions:

  1. What did you learn?
  2. Why is it important?
  3. How does it relate to your life and your goals?
  4. What questions do you now have about the topic?

You will be graded on the content, your writing (see writing resources on eClass in evaluation topic), and your self-reflection / critical thinking skills.

You will also be evaluated on skill performance. During 2 classes (see schedule below), you will lead the class in part of an exercise routine (sign-up for: warm-up, aerobic exercise, resistance training, cool down, or relaxation) and in a mini patient education session (choose one of the following topics, or pitch another: the heart and heart diseases; cardiac tests and treatments; cardiac signs and symptoms / emergencies; understanding and managing your risk factors [hypertension, dyslipidemia, abdominal obesity, including medications]; starting your exercise program; exercising safely [e.g., hot and cold weather…]; heart-healthy diet [could include reading food labels]; stress management; maintaining and self-managing exercise; returning to work). For each, you will have approximately 5 minutes. Information regarding what is expected and the grading rubric can be found on eclass under topic 3. We will rate one another so you will receive anonymous feedback (see eclass topic 3), and Prof. Grace will assign you a final grade.

The final exam will be a take-home test. The format will be an essay which requires synthesis and application of course material (including readings) to promote critical thinking. The exam will cover course material from the entire term.

 Tentative Course Schedule / Timetable

Week 1

Introductions, Review of syllabus

Review of Professionalism, Privacy, Confidentiality Principles etc.

Introduction to Chronic Disease Management / Cardiac Rehab

Week 2

CR Observation with Exercise Testing

Week 3

CR Models & Benefits (Lecture)

Week 4

Guest Lecture: Patient Education in Chronic Disease

Week 5

Peer Review of Patient Education

Week 6

Virtual Site Visit: Tele-Rehab for Chronic Disease

Week 7

Peer Review of Exercise Leadership Skills

Week 8

Observation: Diabetes & Stroke Rehabilitation

Week 9

CR Observation: Low-Resource Setting (virtual asynchronous)

Week 10

Cancer Rehabilitation
Guest Lecturer

Week 11

Wrap-Up / Disseminate Take-Home